Sunday, August 25, 2013

Fox News Special on Food Stamps Exposes Massive Fraud: part 1

Fox News is, by far, the most watched cable news station in the country. They have achieved this viewership by building a reputation as the most unbiased, even-handed and accurate news reporting network around.
Many think Fox is the only such news show.
This thinking is not far-fetched, as it is a known fact that all of the other networks have an undeniable liberal bias. These stations have a secret and hidden agenda (which everyone knows about) whereby they manipulate their presentation of the news in a way that favors Democrats and disfavors Republicans.
Fox News’ only agenda is to report the news -- straight and as it is.
No bias. No secret agenda. They report, you decide.

Others think this image of Fox News is undeserved and contrary to the facts. They point to numerous instances of alleged false information being reported by Fox that, for some reason, all went against libs, Dems and the Obama administration. But these sceptics are liberal extremists whose words cannot be trusted, PolitFact’s confirmations of those allegations notwithstanding:

PolitiFact, big deal.
True, they seem to do a pretty good job of determining the accuracy of claims and statements by referencing relevant sources. And it’s hard to call them biased when they routinely make conclusions that go against both sides.
On the other hand, Fox News has two unimpeachable sources that carry much more weight than PolitiFact.

One is Rush Limbaugh. (He weighs at least 600 pounds.)
The other is The Free Market.

Rush says that an independent auditing agency has documented that he is right 99.6 percent of the time. He also says that, besides him, Fox News is the only other news source that can be trusted to give it to you straight. So the odds of Rush being wrong about Fox’s trustworthiness are miniscule.
And if you’re skeptical about the independent auditing agency because, like me, you couldn’t find out who they are after ten minutes on the google machine, just consider Rush’s simple yet ironclad logic:
Rush correctly points out that Fox’s slogan is “Fair and Balanced.” And Fox has the largest audience of any news channel. Ipso facto, the slogan is 100% correct. Market Forces prove it.
While Rush is near perfect, the Market is infallible.

Did you know that Fox has trademarked that slogan?
Makes sense. If you know you’re the only outfit that delivers the news in a fair and balanced way, why let anyone else make that claim? Former comedian and current US Congressman Al Franken learned the consequences of tampering with that trademark when he tried to use it on the cover of a book he wrote some years ago. Fox sued his ass.

Read this account of the lawsuit, which I am reblogging from a post by right-wing blogger Joe Lii over at:
America’s Truth Detector, a site.

Who does This Liberal Baby Boomer Think He Is?

I was surfing the interweb trying to find reliable information on the latest social/political issues. So I came across this blog titled “Fair and Balanced”. At first I figured that there must be some connection with Fox News because I knew that they owned the trademark for that phrase. This fact was clearly established seven years ago when Fox filed a lawsuit against Al Franken for the irreparable damage he caused to Fox News by stealing their very own phrase and using it in his book title, along with an unflattering picture of Bill O'Reilly; Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right.

Predictably, the liberal activist judge denied Fox’s motion for injunction. Just as predictably, the left wing media gave Franken a ton of free publicity because they wanted his stupid book to sell a lot of copies.
Truly great writers like Bill O’Reilly don’t need the liberal media to help them sell a ton of books. That’s what Fox News is for.
Fox wisely dropped the suit after they realized that the stranglehold liberals have in the media and the court system could actually help Franken’s book sales. Unfortunately, Franken’s book still shot up to the #1 sales position on Amazon’s best-seller list from number 489.
But Fox still managed to get in some awesome zingers on Franken!

In an eight-inch thick legal filing Fox stated that Franken had “been described as a ‘C-level political commentator’ who is ‘increasingly unfunny’”, and claimed that the comedian was “shrill and unstable” and had “appeared either intoxicated or deranged”.
Yeah, way to go Fox!

Sure the filing cited only two sources for those quotes, one of which was a website to which Bill O’Reilly was a contributor, and the other was a website where anyone could contribute, but the way I looked at it was:
Fox News 1, Al Franken 0.

Getting back to this blog I stumbled across, titled “Fair and Balanced”, it’s written by a Joe Barton who I assumed to be the great Republican politician from Texas who had the courage and integrity to apologize to the BP CEO for the White House’s investigation of the Gulf Oil spill, calling it a “shakedown”.
What a great American, a true Patriot! I really admire great heroes like Joe Barton and Joe Wilson for having the guts to tell it like it is. The American people owe these fighters a debt of gratitude.

But after reading the content on this garbage blog site and noticing the url;,
I realized that this Joe Barton character is a complete fraud. He’s trying the same trick that Franken almost got away with. Does he think that people like me are a bunch of fools?
This site is nothing but a bunch of liberal claptrap. I’ve dedicated my blog to counter Barton’s baloney, which can be found at;
Its stolen title is “Fair And Balanced”.
So stay tuned for future posts.

Yeah, Joe Lii, thanks for your thoughts.

Joe Lii is an intense Rush Limbaugh fanatic. If you want to know why his blog address is

read his explanation @

Meanwhile, stay tuned at for my in depth examination of Fox’s expose on food stamps. It’s going to take several posts in order to review this incredible report.