Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trump: I Would Have Won Even More Bigly

As the number of votes cast against Donald Trump continues to rise, Trump and his supporters continue to brush that fact off with an interesting bit of reasoning. If the election was based on the popular vote, they say, Trump would have campaigned differently. Trump himself tweeted: "If the election were based on total popular vote, I would have campaigned in N.Y., Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily."

There's at least one thing wrong with that rationale. It assumes that Clinton would not have changed her campaigning strategy, too. As it stands now, Clinton's popular vote total is by far the largest winning margin -- in history -- by a candidate who lost the electoral college. If that happened without Clinton even trying to get the popular vote, doesn't it makes more sense that her popular vote margin would have been even larger if she had campaigned for it?

The fact that the popular vote count is being brought to the attention of the American people really annoys the Trumpers. And they are livid at the anti-Trump protests. Their response to these realities? "You lost. Get over it." What should really be annoying them are these facts (from a Nov. 15 politico article):

On election night in 2012, Trump ranted about the Electoral College when he appeared to believe, incorrectly, that President Barack Obama lost the popular vote to Mitt Romney.

"He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!" Trump wrote that night, continuing in a subsequent post that "the electoral college is a disaster for a democracy."

"The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!" he added [sic].

"More votes equals a loss ... revolution!"

It is amazing how the Trumpers are able to filter out all of the incredibly stupid and contradictory things Trump says. It seems like there isn't a single thing that comes out of that jerk's mouth that hasn't been completely contradicted by a previous thing he's said. Like these other tweets from 2012:

Of course, when he thought he was going to lose, he incited his supporters with unfounded accusations of rigging. He urged them to take matters into their own hands with "Second Amendment remedies" if Hillary won. Some of them vowed to wage an armed revolution if Trump didn't win.

According to The Independent, Clinton has more than 1.7 million more votes -- and counting -- than Trump and more total votes than any other US presidential candidate in history -- except for Barack Obama -- who's approval rating is 55%.
Besides losing the popular vote, the Republicons lost two Senate seats and six congressional seats.
Imagine if the Dems had nominated someone other than Hillary Clinton. Someone without her long history of ethically dishonest and corrupt decision making. Someone like Bernie Sanders, for instance.

The anti-Trump protests are not only fair -- common human decency demands it.

Trump is a racist liar and a moral degenerate. That is not partisan hyperbole. As Senator Paul Ryan said -- "it's the textbook definition." I hope and pray that -- out of these protests -- a demand for an apology from Trump emerges. We can't let him get away with his mountain of insults, slurs and lies. We can not let this be the norm of our political discourse.

Trump gets his talking points from the right-wing hate media. He has delved into the dark and ugly fringes of the alt-right, white nationalist and white supremacist movements. Those hate mongers get away with that shit when they speak to their gullible audiences. We can't let Trump get away with that when he speaks to a national audience.

We must demand an apology.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Disbelief, Despair -- And Then Anger

Even though I knew Trump could win, when it actually happened, it seemed so unreal.
When that reality finally sunk in, I sunk, too -- into a pool of despair. I had to face the realization that an ultra-right, ultra-white Senate and House of Representatives will be led by a pussy-grabbing, lying, racist, conspiracy-theorist-demagogue. And he's stupid, too. George W. Bush stupid. A huge  asshole. Yuuuge.

Hey, Trump. When are you going to release your college transcripts?
Because "I heard you were a terrible student, terrible. How does a terrible student go to the Wharton School? Let us see your records. I have friends who have smart sons with great marks, great boards, great everything and they can't get into the Wharton School. We don't know a thing about this guy. There are a lot of questions that are unanswered about our President-elect."
(If the words in those quotes look familiar, it's because they are Trump's -- speaking about Obama and Harvard, back in the heady days of Birtherism. Ahh, those were intoxicating and exhilarating times for those suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome. Too bad they'll be gone all too soon.)

Did you know that when Trump was asked if he would release his college transcripts he told the reporter that it was none of his business? Ha!

So, first disbelief followed by despair but then the anger started to rise. I got really pissed at the way so many Dems were being so nice to Trump, considering what a scumbag he's been. They should have demanded an apology for all the vile garbage and lies he's spewed -- before they said a single word to him (other than the demand for the apology.)

The fucking prick said he wouldn't accept the results if he didn't win! He incited his supporters with constant and unfounded accusations of rigging. Some of them vowed to wage an armed revolution if he didn't win. He urged them to take matters into their own hands with Second Amendment remedies if Clinton got elected.

Being nice to that bastard is completely unwarranted. He is a scumbag of the first order. In the name of decency, he should be thoroughly repudiated. Think of how his basket of deplorables treated President Obama, a decent person, during his entire time on the national stage, with the most vile attacks imaginable. 

The attacks on Obama were based on distorted information, twisted reasoning and outright lies. They constantly accused him of saying horrible things when he actually said the exact opposite of what they accused him of. Meanwhile, Trump's bile was crystal clear and totally unambiguous. The same retards who attacked Obama cheered and chanted as Trump lied and demagogued his way to the presidency.

A few days ago, I heard Chris "Lane Closings" Christie being asked if Trump should apologize to Obama for all that birther stuff he promoted for all those years. Governor Lane Closings had the audacity to brush all that stuff off as mere jabs at the President -- just the normal kind of politics that everyone engages in. After all, he said, President Obama himself did the same thing to Trump at that 2011 White House Correspondents' dinner.

That double-talking liar had the gall to compare Trump's five year birther campaign of hate to Obama's five minute ribbing at that dinner!? I need a word that means "obnoxious to the power of ten." I bet they have a word for that in German.

I've got a new chant for Gov. Lane Closings. It goes like this:

The Republiconservative talking heads are out there decrying the protests and legitimate grievances being expressed by those who oppose Trump. Liar for Hire, Kellyanne Conway, feigned disgust and accused them of being divisive!!! Why you miserable fucking C-word. You wretched piece of shit.
You just did all the official double-talking for the undefeated, undisputed, world heavyweight champion of  divisiveness, Donald J. Trump!!!

If anyone is offended by the vulgarity in this post, let me remind you -- this is Trump-time!!!
Just as he did for racism, he has made vulgarity socially acceptable.

I predict he will issue an executive order making political correctness illegal.
So get used to it, Motherfuckers!!