Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Donald Trump: YUGE Asshole, YUGE
My wife told me that my last post on the natural born Birther Trump seemed to concede that Obama wasn't born in the U.S.. Not so. I was merely assuming the Birthers' position in order to critique their rationale.
Now that Obama has released the original long form version of his Birth Certificate, is this issue finally over?
Of course not. We're dealing with Birthers here. Trump actually thinks that the release of the Certificate is a reason for suspicion.
From Huffpost Aol news;
"Speaking at a press conference in New Hampshire, the potential presidential contender said ... "it is rather amazing that all of the sudden" the document surfaces. He suggested it should be inspected to ensure its authenticity."
Trump is like, "Release the Birth Certificate! Release the Birth Certificate! Release the Birth Certificate!" "Why won't he release the Birth Certificate?" Then after he does so, "Why did Obama release it so suddenly? How strange." Now he hopes "Obama's birth certificate checks out to be real." Sure he does.
Like the other Birthers, Trump wants to know why Obama didn't release the certificate a long time ago.
What Obama did do a long time ago was exactly what Trump did recently when he wanted to demonstrate how easy it is to produce a birth certificate. Trump said he would produce his own birth certificate, so he asked the hospital he was born in to release his birth certificate.
And Trump's hospital did exactly what Obama's did; it produced a "Certificate of Live Birth", not the long form which Trump was demanding from Obama.
The Certificate of Live Birth says:
"This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding ."
This might be legal proof in any court proceeding but it doesn't mean shit to a Birther.
So because Trump has been saying that a Certificate of Live Birth isn't any sort of proof whatsoever, he had to go back and get the "long form", which is exactly what Obama just did.
Now the problem is; he didn't do it sooner -- and he did it all of a sudden.
You see, when a discredited bunch of deranged lunatics demand that you provide more proof on top of the mountain of proof you have already provided, you must do it immediately so that they can then declare it to be fraudulent like all the other proof you've provided.
When hospital officials (at least one of whom is Republican) and say the following about the "Certificate of Live Birth"...
"It's a valid Hawaii state birth certificate," stated Hawaii Department of Health spokesperson Janice Okubo when queried by the St. Petersburg Times' website in June 2008. In addition, the actual physical document was scrutinized and photographed by researchers at (see hi-res images), who determined that it was in fact duly signed, sealed, and certified by the Hawaii state registrar, and "meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship."
...they are not to be believed because they are in cahoots with Obama.
But when leading Birther nutbag and Fox News favorite Orly Taitz says...(Wikipedia)
"*A number of homosexuals from Obama's former church have died mysteriously.
*Obama has dozens of Social Security numbers, and his passport is inaccurate. Taitz claims that a person who was cooperating with the FBI in connection with Obama's passport died mysteriously, "shot in the head".
*A Kenyan birth certificate with the name "Barack Obama" is authentic.
*Obama's first act as President was to donate money to Hamas, which she claims will be used to build Qassam rockets.
*Obama, or someone connected to him, has made threats to Taitz's life and vandalized her car.[19]
*Obama is having the Federal Emergency Management Agency build internment camps for "Anti-Obama dissidents".[14]" can believe that as sure as Obama is the Anti-Christ.
Trump says he is proud of what he has done.
By presenting, as certain fact, rumors that have been proven false by numerous sources, and making a slew of wild accusations without a shred of evidence, he has finally forced Obama -- who desperately didn't want to show the proof that he was indeed born in the U.S. -- to bend to his will.
Yes, that's right, according to Trump and the Birthers, Obama spent 2 million dollars to hide the documents that proved that everything Trump and the Birthers said about him was complete nonsense.
I would like to take this opportunity to nominate Trump as
"Dickhole of the Decade".
You know, when Trump said that his investigators in Hawaii "couldn't believe what they were finding", he must have been talking about proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, because what red-blooded birther would ever believe that?
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