“I’ve been saying for a long period of time that he’s [Obama] the most divisive president maybe that we’ve ever had.”
As if that wasn’t obnoxious enough, he then followed that gem with this galling masterpiece:
“I would be a total unity president.”
Examples of this kind of hypocrisy by Trump are legion — like when he, the King of Fake News, calls the mainstream media fake news. Or like when he called Hillary a nasty woman. Or like when he gave Ted Cruz the nickname “lying Ted.” (According to Politifact, Cruz was a distant second to Trump on percentage of claims rated Mostly False, False and Pants on Fire, 66% to 77%. Trump was the only candidate to reach double digits in Pants on Fire ratings -19%. Cruz was second in that department at 7%). www.politifact.com/...
A more recent example is Trump’s description of NFL players “taking a knee” during the National Anthem as being disrespectful to the flag, the military and the country.
That’s right, the most disrespectful son-of-a-bitch we’ve ever witnessed — a vile prick who has disrespected Mexican people, Muslims, blacks, women, the disabled, Gold Star families, the Pope, our generals, our intelligence agencies, our allies, Ted Cruz’s wife and father, a terminally ill John McCain and other fellow Republicans — has described players, who were humbly protesting the police shootings of unarmed black men by kneeling with their heads bowed, as being disrespectful to our country.
Trump’s supporters have chimed in, calling this act of humility disgraceful because, you see, it’s not about what the protesters say it is, it’s about what conservatives say it is. They say it’s about respect for the military, the first responders and the country.
What I find disgraceful is how Trump supporters can approve of, so enthusiastically, a man who denigrated the military service of John McCain because he was captured, brutalized and tortured for five and a half years as a POW in Vietnam. If John McCain is a loser for getting captured, then, by extension, aren’t all POW’s losers?
Now that’s what I call disrespecting the military. Trump also defended his respect for Vladimir Putin, despite allegations of extrajudicial killings, by saying we kill people, too, and then questioning the innocence of the very same country he falsely accused the players of disrespecting. He was actually right about that but can you imagine how those hypocritical right-wingers would have reacted had Obama said that?
I guess those POW losers weren’t smart enough to get heel spurs in their foot. Was it the left foot or the right? Trump can’t remember, even though he said he has the world’s greatest memory.
Speaking of double standards, Bill Maher recently asked, on his show “Real Time”, how would Trump’s supporters react if Obama had said some of the very offensive things Trump said. He then brought an Obama impersonator on to repeat, verbatim, those things Trump has said. It was very effective.
I have imagined Obama saying some things that would be equivalent to things that Trump said, only with the context “reversed”, so to speak.
Remember when Trump opened his 2016 campaign with the “Mexican criminal drug-bringing rapist” slander? Well let us imagine the response of Trump supporters if Obama had said the following after he first announced his running for the 2008 Democratic nomination:
“When Republicans vote for politicians, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of hatred, and they’re bringing that hatred with them. They hate Mexicans. They hate Muslims. They’re racists. And some, I assume are good people.”
Now let us reflect on that for a moment. It is not hard to imagine the outrage those words would generate from the right-wing media. There would be an explosion of fury and anger that would make the reaction to Trump’s Mexican slander pale in comparison. The mainstream media would be reporting that story as a major scandal. Democrats and liberals would be shocked and appalled. It would be both the beginning and end of Obama’s campaign. I would expect death threats on Obama.
Now let’s try this one: remember Trump’s 9/11 Muslim celebration slander? Imagine if Obama had said this following the Charleston church massacre when 21 year old white supremacist Dylann Roof murdered nine Black people, hoping to ignite a race war:
“After Dylann Roof massacred those people in that Charleston church, thousands and thousands of people were cheering after that. Thousands of people were cheering.”
Then imagine Obama saying in a subsequent interview with George Stephanopoulos that he heard reports about this on TV despite Stephanopoulos saying that no such reports could be found.
“There were people that were cheering in the South, where you have a large White Christian population. They were cheering after that massacre. I know it might not be politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering about that after the news came out. And that tells you something. It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don’t like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people in the South that, after they heard the news, a large White Christian population, that were cheering after the news came out. Not good.”
Let’s try this one. Obama retweets outrageously false statistics that exaggerate the police killings of unarmed Black men by a factor of 5.4 times, which he got from some Black racist web site. Then, in a subsequent interview with Bill O’Reilly, after refusing to apologize or issue a correction, he justified his retweet by saying “All it was is a retweet. It wasn’t from me, and it did — it came out of a radio show and other places. Bill, I didn’t tweet, I retweeted somebody that was supposedly an expert” and then added that the sources were “very credible”.
Then, after O’Reilly scolded him for falling for and then repeating fake news, imagine Obama saying “Hey Bill, am I going to check every statistic?”
After all, it’s only fake news if it’s unflattering to Donald Trump.
After all, it’s only fake news if it’s unflattering to Donald Trump.
I would like Trump supporters to put that in their pipe and smoke it.
This is excellent in pointing out how it would be if Obama said similar things. To me it's all obvious, and to believe we can "teach" that side to see the light is just a dream.
ReplyDeleteDoctor Paradox, huh? Well, one CAN dream, can't one?