Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Yuge Debt Of Gratitude

The American people owe a huuge debt of gratitude to Donald Trump and the Birthers. I mean, before we elected our first African "American" President, we never heard that much about the "natural born" citizenship status, required of presidential candidates by the US Constitution. Now, thanks to D.T. and the birthers, we will all be more careful when we choose our presidents.

Do you realize that if these brave American patriots had not been so expertly versed in the Constitution, that we might have continued to pay almost no attention to some poorly written rule from the 1700's?
Do you realize the peril that these heroes have saved the country from?
Just in case you don't, let me illustrate a scenario that is not only possible but probable.

Say an American citizen happens to be seven or eight months pregnant. Say this citizen decides to take a vacation in, God forbid, some socialist country like Europe. Then, as luck would have it, she gives birth prematurely, while she's still in Europe! And what if this baby grows up and decides to run for President?
I mean, if it wasn't for all the attention this important Constitutional requirement has been given by the Donald and the birthers, the baby being born in Europe might have gone unnoticed.

Why is this so important?
Let me remind you, the baby was born in Europe. Some of that socialism could have rubbed off onto the baby during the most impressionable time of its life. And what if that baby becomes President when it grows up? Thanks to Trump and the birthers, this catastrophe has been averted.

How about that Trump, though?
Did you see his press conference? He was masterful.
After putting that liberal reporter in his place for asking Trump about the "unbelievable" things his investigators were finding out in Hawaii about Obama, he deftly pointed out that it was now time to talk about more important issues; like how did Obama get into Columbia and Harvard.
Because he had "heard" things and "read" things about Obama being a really bad student.
Yeah, he heard and read that from the same people who said Obama was forging legal documents in order to violate the Constitution.

This guy has some set of balls. To quote The Donald himself, "they're huuge"

Can it now be said, unequivocally, that Trump is, by far, the most obnoxious person ever to run for President of the United States of America?
What a fucking jerk.

Speaking of important issues;
do you want to know why it took Obama two and a half years to produce the long form version of his birth certificate? Because it takes that long to manufacture a forgery that can fool the gullible press.

But it's almost impossible to put one past the geniuses in the birther movement. These sharp eyed truth detectors immediately spotted an error in Obama's "birth certificate". In the space that records Obama's father's race, the forger typed in "African"! The birthers have pointed out that "African" is not a race! They said that, in 1961 the term "Negro" would have been used.

Anyone with half a brain would realize that this is proof of forgery.
On the other hand, anyone with a whole brain that worked would realize that it's much more likely that a $1.00 an hour hospital clerk (or whatever they made back then) would make that "mistake" than an expert forger who Obama must have paid millions of dollars to make the forgery, then millions more to keep quite about it afterward.

Here's something interesting that illustrates my point; I came across a copy of my father's birth certificate and it said he was born in Aberdeen, Maryland. That was a mistake. He was born in Aberdeen, Washington.
An odd mistake but should I suspect perfidy?

I was listening to WABC radio (the New York station that carries all of the right wing heavyweights) yesterday morning and the host was talking with another weekend host. The weekend host has long been peddling a different disqualification story than the "Obama and others have been conspiring to hide the truth about his place of birth by producing forged documents and lying to the American people" theory.

This guy is not a "nut" like the birthers, though. He never pushed the "Obama wasn't born in the U.S." story. He has legal arguments that Obama and his Muslim-socialist co-conspirators can't lie their way out of.
He says that the actual legal definition of "natural born" American requires that both parents themselves be born in the United States!
Ah ha! We got him!

This host must be overjoyed about the recent revelations because now everyone can focus in on him and his much better technicality for overturning the will of the American people, which was decided by an open and fair election in 2008.

There are only two things that I've been wondering about.
In order to qualify to be President, do the parents of the President have to be "natural born" too?
In other words do their parents have to be "natural born", which means born to parents born in the U.S.?
How far back do we have to go?
Because this might mean that the only people who would be allowed to be President are full blooded American Indians! Wouldn't that be a kick in the ass?

The other thing I wonder about is, does this guy and the birthers realize that the guy they owe this great victory to, their hero, the guy who is leading the Republican field, the only contender with the courage to tell the truth about Obama -- I'm talking about "The Donald", Mr. Trump -- do they know that his mother was born in Scotland?
Now that's a real kick in the ass...hole, Trump.

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